OCC PPE Donation to the State of Oregon
September 2020
In response to the COVID-19 AND THE Oregon wildfire situation, OCC board and committee members donated 25,000 pieces of general medical masks to the state government, helping doctors and firefighters on the frontier.
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OCC - Fujian,CHINA 2020 Web Conference
COVID-19 And Life Return to Normalcy
September 2020
OCC's web-conference connected Oregon sister state, CHINA Fujian Provincial Government, with local and state government, representatives and growers of Oregon agricultural products (hazelnut and wheat), and community leaders from Oregon to discuss the COVID-19 tactics and potential partnership areas where can benefit people in Oregon and China. The web-conference further strengthen mutual friendships.
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Fujian Provincial PPE Donation to the State of Oregon
May 2020
OCC brought in Oregon the largest nonprofit humanitarian relief of 50,000 pieces of medical facemasks from Oregon's sister province of Fujian, CHINA. We are honored to receive letters from Oregon Governor Kate Brown on appreciating the Oregon-China friendships and our efforts of helping communities through the pandemic.
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Featured News

Spotlight: Virtual meeting helps promote U.S. Oregon agricultural products in the Chinese market
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- "Good morning, China!" "Good evening, America!" Warm greetings kicked off the Oregon Agricultural Products Online Promotion Meeting on Tuesday evening.
More than 80 economic officials and entrepreneurs from China's Fujian Province, Tianjin Municipality, and the U.S. state of Oregon participated in the event from more than a dozen venues.
"This is the first economic exchange event organized through the sister relationship between China and the United States since the U.S. election," Oregon China Council (OCC) President Lan Jin told Xinhua on Wednesday.

DECEMBER 9, 2020
人民网旧金山12月9日电(邓圩 叶颖)“能仔细介绍一下你们的特色海鲜产品吗?”“疫情导致货物数量减少,有没有什么便利措施帮助企业缩减成本?”“我们希望了解牛肉和红酒产品情况”“除了进出口产品,我们在城市治理上也可以进行合作”……美西时间12月8号下午5点、北京时间12月9日上午9点,热烈的交流跨越太平洋展开,聚焦中美省州合作,美国俄勒冈州-中国理事会携手福建省和天津市联合举办“俄勒冈州特色农产品线上推介洽谈会 ”。理事会主席蓝进表示,“此次活动说明中美关系的改善,也展示了中美省州所具有的‘利益攸关者’属性,显示了民心所向,增强了民间交流的正能量。”

U.S. Oregon State governor appreciates China's mask donation
Governor of the U.S. state of Oregon Kate Brown on Friday appreciated the friendship between China and Oregon in thank-you letters for the donation of medical masks from Oregon's sister province Fujian.
"The donation is a testament to the 36-year relationship between Oregon and the People's Republic of China, nurtured by annual trade missions, and frequent educational and diplomatic exchanges between governors, legislators, and business executives alike," Brown said in the letter to Tang Dengjie, governor of China's Fujian Province.
China Donates 50,000 Face Masks to Oregon
WILSONVILLE – The government of China’s Fujian Province, which has been Oregon’s sister state since 1984, is gifting the state with 50,000 medical face masks. The masks will be delivered to Oregon’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) for distribution to counties,